A video providing an overview of the online training course can be found here.
The video is available in English with English, Spanish and Italian subtitles.
Welcome to Digit-T
The manufacturing industry is currently witnessing a transformation as it increasingly moves towards Digital Manufacturing - often known as Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, Factory of the Future. It offers opportunities for companies to develop new products and ways of working while reducing costs. However, many people and organisations, in particular SMEs, struggle to access clear and useful information about Digital Manufacturing.
The Digital Manufacturing Training System for SMEs (Digit-T) project aims to address this and has created a free online training programme aimed at helping users understand what Digital Manufacturing is, the associated terminology, the expected benefits, and how an organisation can start adopting it.
The training materials, which are available in English, Spanish and Italian, are split into 2 parts:
Online Training Course: the online training course is divided into 3 topics:
Management in Industry 4.0
Advanced Manufacturing Systems
Intelligent Robotics
Each topic is split into 3-4 different training modules, which are sub-divided into a series of sessions.
A list of the modules and sessions are available here (EN/ES/IT).
e-Book: the e-book complements the online training course.
It's divided into the 3 same topic areas, though it presents the material in a slightly different way.
The e-book is available here
The training materials developed were selected based on the project team's broad experience of Industry 4.0 and Industry 4.0 technologies, and an industry survey of SMEs which was carried out at the start of the Digit-T project. This survey was used by the project team to inform the final list of material to be included in the training programme. The findings of the survey can be found here.
About Digit-T
The Digital Manufacturing Training System for SMEs (Digit-T) project was created to develop a coherent training programme for SMEs to aid them in accessing clear and useful information about Digital Manufacturing.
Digit-T is a collaborative project led by the University of Nottingham (UK) in conjunction with STIIMA-CNR (Italy), EURECAT (Spain) and Associazione Fabbrica Inteligente Lombardia (AFIL, Italy). The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.